The Ultimate Guide to Creating FREE Animation Videos for Your Faceless Channel (for Beginners!)

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating FREE Animation Videos for Your Faceless Channel (for Beginners!)
Jacob Peterson
Jacob Peterson
May 21, 2023 11:11 AM
Reading time
7 min
Jacob Peterson
Jacob Peterson
May 21, 2023 11:11 AM
Reading time
2 min
YouTube Growth
YouTube Growth


Animation videos have gained immense popularity due to their ability to present complex ideas in a visually appealing and easily digestible manner. For faceless YouTube channels, which do not feature a host or narrator on camera, this format is especially fitting as it enables creators to produce engaging content without requiring a physical presence. In this blog post, we will delve into the simplest and most budget-friendly methods for creating animation videos for your faceless YouTube channel.

Select the Ideal Animation Software

The first step in crafting animated videos is choosing the right software. Numerous free and user-friendly options are available, catering to both beginners and advanced users. Here are three popular choices:


A powerful open-source 3D animation software with an extensive community of users and a wealth of tutorials. Blender is geared towards more advanced users and offers a range of features such as modeling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, and compositing.


A beginner-friendly cloud-based animation tool that offers a variety of templates and pre-built assets. Animaker enables users to create 2D and 2.5D animations with ease, providing features like character builder, scene builder, and an extensive library of sound effects and music.


A straightforward and intuitive 2D animation software perfect for traditional hand-drawn animations. Pencil2D supports both vector and bitmap drawing tools, making it a versatile option for various animation styles.

Craft a Compelling Storyline

A captivating storyline is essential for creating an engaging animation video. Start by brainstorming ideas and outlining the main points you want to cover. Keep your target audience in mind and ensure your content is relevant and interesting to them.

Here are some tips for developing a compelling storyline:

  • Identify your target audience: Understand their interests, challenges, and preferences to create content that resonates with them.
  • Define your core message: Determine the key takeaway or message you want your viewers to remember after watching your video.
  • Create a storyboard: Sketch out the main scenes of your video, including the characters, props, and backgrounds. This will help you visualize the flow of your story and identify any gaps or inconsistencies.
  • Keep it simple: Avoid overloading your animation with too many characters or complex plotlines. Focus on delivering your core message in a clear and concise manner.
  • Add conflict or tension: Introduce challenges or obstacles that your characters need to overcome, as this can make your story more engaging and relatable.

Design Your Characters and Assets

Once you've developed a strong storyline, it's time to design your characters and assets. This will include any props, backgrounds, and objects needed for your animated scenes. If you're not a skilled artist, consider using pre-built assets provided by your chosen animation software or source them from free libraries like Freepik or Vecteezy.

When designing your characters, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Develop unique personalities: Give each character distinct traits and characteristics that make them memorable and relatable.
  • Use consistent art styles: Ensure that all characters and assets share a similar visual style to create a cohesive look for your video.
  • Opt for simplicity: Avoid overly complex designs, as these can be challenging to animate and may distract from your core message.
  • Consider color psychology: Choose colors that evoke the desired emotions and feelings in your viewers. For example, use warm colors like red and orange for energetic scenes, and cool colors like blue and green for calming or serious scenes.

Master the Fundamentals of Animation

Before embarking on the actual animation process, spend some time familiarizing yourself with the basic principles of animation. These guidelines and techniques can help you achieve more realistic and engaging animations. Some of the most important principles include:

Timing and spacing

The speed and movement of your characters and objects should be carefully controlled to create a sense of realism and believability.

Squash and stretch

This principle involves deforming the shape of an object or character to emphasize its movement and give it a sense of weight and flexibility.


Characters should prepare for their actions before executing them, which helps viewers understand their intentions and adds a sense of realism to the animation.

Follow-through and overlapping action

These principles involve the secondary movements that happen after a primary action, such as a character's hair or clothes moving in response to their body's motion.

By understanding and applying these fundamental principles, you can significantly improve the quality and appeal of your animation videos.

Animate Your Scenes

With your story, characters, and assets ready, it's time to bring them to life through animation. This will involve setting keyframes, manipulating objects, and fine-tuning movements to create smooth and fluid scenes. Be patient and give yourself time to learn the ins and outs of your chosen animation software.

Here are some tips for animating your scenes:

  • Start with basic movements: Focus on creating simple, linear motions before moving on to more complex actions and expressions.
  • Use reference materials: Study real-life movements or other animated works to understand how objects and characters should move in specific situations.
  • Experiment with easing: Adjust the acceleration and deceleration of movements to create a more natural feel. Most animation software will have built-in tools for easy easing adjustments.
  • Layer your animations: Break down complex movements into smaller, individual actions and animate them separately. This can make the process more manageable and result in smoother animations.
  • Review and refine: Continuously review your animations and make adjustments as needed. It's common to go through multiple iterations before achieving the desired result.

Incorporate Voiceovers and Sound Effects

To enhance the overall experience of your animation video, consider adding voiceovers and sound effects. You can either record your own voice or use text-to-speech software like Amazon Polly. Free sound effects can be found on websites like Freesound or SoundBible.

When adding voiceovers and sound effects, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Match the tone: Ensure your voiceover or text-to-speech selection matches the tone and mood of your animation. For example, use a serious voice for educational content and a more playful voice for entertaining videos.
  • Time your audio: Sync your voiceovers and sound effects with the corresponding actions and movements in your animation to create a cohesive experience.
  • Balance audio levels: Adjust the volume of your voiceovers, sound effects, and background music to ensure that they complement each other without overpowering one another.
  • Use audio sparingly: Don't overuse sound effects or background music, as this can be distracting and detract from your core message.

Optimize Your Animation for YouTube

After completing your animation, it's important to optimize it for YouTube to ensure a smooth playback experience for your viewers. Here are some tips for optimizing your animated video:

Choose the right format

Export your video in a format that is compatible with YouTube, such as MP4 or MOV. Ensure that your video codec is set to H.264, which is widely supported and offers good compression rates.

Optimize file size

Compress your video to reduce its file size without compromising on quality. Most video editing software will have built-in tools for compression and optimization.

Use the right resolution

Choose a resolution that is suitable for your target audience and the devices they are likely to use. For most faceless YouTube channels, 1080p (1920x1080) should be sufficient.

Maintain a consistent frame rate

Stick to a consistent frame rate throughout your video, such as 24 or 30 frames per second (fps). This will ensure smooth playback and prevent any unexpected jumps or stutters.

Promote Your Animated Video on YouTube

Creating an engaging animated video is just the first step; you also need to promote it effectively to reach your target audience. Here are some strategies to help you boost the visibility of your animation videos on YouTube:

  • Use strong titles and descriptions: Craft attention-grabbing titles and detailed descriptions that include relevant keywords to improve your video's searchability.
  • Create custom thumbnails: Design eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent your video content and entice viewers to click.
  • Leverage tags: Add relevant tags to your video to help YouTube's algorithm understand its content and suggest it to the right audience.
  • Share your video on social media: Promote your animation videos on other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to drive more traffic to your YouTube channel.

Analyze Your Video's Performance

To continually improve your animation videos and grow your faceless YouTube channel, it's essential to track your video's performance and analyze viewer engagement. YouTube provides a comprehensive analytics dashboard that allows you to monitor various metrics such as views, watch time, audience retention, and subscriber growth.

Here are some key performance indicators (KPIs) to focus on:

  • Audience retention: This metric shows the percentage of your video that viewers watch on average. High audience retention indicates that your content is engaging and holds viewers' attention.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): CTR measures the percentage of viewers who clicked on your video thumbnail after seeing it in their recommendations. A high CTR suggests that your thumbnail and title are effective at capturing viewers' interest.
  • Engagement: Monitor likes, dislikes, comments, and shares to gauge how well your video resonates with viewers. High engagement levels typically indicate that your content is appealing and encourages interaction.
  • Subscriber growth: Track the number of subscribers gained or lost after publishing your animation video. This can help you understand if your content is attracting new viewers and converting them into loyal subscribers.

By monitoring these KPIs and adjusting your content strategy accordingly, you can optimize your animation videos for better performance and higher viewer satisfaction.

Learn from Other Successful Faceless YouTube Channels

One of the best ways to improve your own animation videos is by studying and learning from other successful faceless YouTube channels. Analyze their content, storytelling techniques, animation styles, and promotion strategies to identify best practices that you can apply to your own channel.

Some popular faceless YouTube channels that feature animation videos include:

  • Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell: This channel creates minimalist, science-focused animation videos that break down complex topics into easy-to-understand visuals.
  • Extra Credits: Extra Credits produces animated videos discussing various topics related to video games, history, and mythology.
  • Ted-Ed: Ted-Ed is an educational channel that features short, animated lessons on a wide range of subjects, created in collaboration with educators and animators.

By observing these channels and incorporating their techniques into your own animation videos, you can elevate the quality and appeal of your content.


Creating engaging animation videos for your faceless YouTube channel doesn't have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, techniques, and strategies, you can create high-quality content that captivates your audience and drives channel growth. Keep refining your skills and learning from other successful faceless channels to stay ahead of the curve.

For more tips and insights on growing your YouTube channel, check out these helpful blog posts from Telescope Growth:

  1. 5 Proven Strategies to Get More YouTube Subscribers: Learn effective methods for increasing your subscriber base and building a loyal audience for your animated videos.
  2. How to Optimize Your YouTube Channel for Maximum Growth: Discover the best practices for optimizing your YouTube channel, including setting up your channel layout, creating playlists, and utilizing end screens to boost engagement and retention.
  3. Understanding YouTube Analytics to Drive Channel Growth: Dive deeper into the world of YouTube analytics and learn how to interpret key performance indicators to make data-driven decisions that support your channel's growth.

Armed with these resources and the tips outlined in this blog post, you'll be well on your way to creating a successful faceless YouTube channel with engaging animation videos.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I make a successful faceless YouTube channel?

To create a successful faceless YouTube channel, start by selecting a niche that resonates with your target audience. Produce high-quality content by focusing on engaging storytelling, appealing visuals, and captivating animations. Consistently upload videos and optimize them with attention-grabbing titles, descriptions, and custom thumbnails. Interact with your viewers by responding to comments and encouraging discussions. Finally, promote your channel on social media platforms and collaborate with other creators to expand your reach and grow your subscriber base.

How do you make a faceless video?

Making a faceless video involves creating content without appearing on camera. You can use animation software, screen recordings, or stock footage to create visually appealing content. Voiceovers, text-to-speech, or background music can be added to narrate your story or provide context. Focus on creating a compelling storyline and interesting visuals that hold your viewers' attention. Ensure that your video is well-paced, well-structured, and conveys your message effectively.

How do you make a video without showing your face?

To make a video without showing your face, use alternative formats such as animation, screen recordings, slideshows, or stock footage. Combine these visuals with voiceovers or text-to-speech narration to convey your message. Ensure that your content is engaging and maintains viewer interest by focusing on storytelling, pacing, and visuals. Add background music, sound effects, and captions to enhance your video's overall appeal and accessibility.

How can I grow my small animation channel on YouTube?

To grow a small animation channel on YouTube, focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that stands out in your niche. Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) techniques by using relevant keywords in your titles, descriptions, and tags to improve your video's searchability. Create eye-catching custom thumbnails to entice viewers to click on your videos. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and encouraging interaction. Share your videos on social media platforms to attract more viewers. Consistently upload new content and consider collaborating with other creators to increase your channel's visibility and reach.

Jacob Peterson

Jacob Peterson

Jacob is a seasoned YouTube growth strategist with a decade of experience in digital marketing and content creation. As a content creator and strategist, he helps aspiring YouTubers reach their the most ambitious goals. Passionate about video marketing, Jacob shares his knowledge through speaking engagements and online publications.

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